Saturday, December 17, 2011

In My Mailbox #17: Christmas Break!!

You have no idea how ridiculously ecstatic I am to have made it to Christmas break. Tough semester and all that; I even have a case of the finals week acne. To celebrate my vacation, I'm in the midst of Ten Tea Parties and Hope: A Tragedy, two books I got this week for review. The former is interesting, the latter is very enjoyable in a somewhat insane way. More on these later.

Ten Tea Parties: Patriotic Protests That History Forgot by Joseph Cummins (GoodReads First Look)
I'm surprised I beat my mom to this one - we're both history buffs and have only heard of two of the tea parties, Charleston and Boston.

Taft 2012 by Jason Heller (publisher)
Ironically, this arrived on the same day as Ten Tea Parties from the same publisher, Quirk.

Hope: A Tragedy by Shalom Auslander (LibraryThing Early Reviewers)
It's unlike anything I expected, but I'm loving it. Quotable, kind of weird, and funny in a slightly cynical way.

Cinder by Marissa Meyer (publisher)
This just came and I am soooooo excited!!! I wasn't even expecting a copy and this totally made my day!

And I have an early Christmas present from one of my friends, the mega Complete Tales and Poems by Edgar Allan Poe.

Macbooks don't take very good photos. Sorry. Pippi doesn't seem to care, though.

Question: If you are given a copy of a book you already have, what do you do with it? (Assuming you can't return it to a bookstore.)


  1. If I have a friend who I think would enjoy the book, I would usually give it to them. Occasionally I use doubles as giveaway prizes or swap for something I want. Depends on the book and how much I liked it! :-)

  2. Great lot of books. I want to read Cinder :D


  3. Great books this week! Cinder looks amazing! Oh and I love Edgar Allen Poe!

    As for doubles, I give them away on the blog, trade with other bloggers, or gift them to friends. =)

    Stop by my IMM!

  4. Yay for Christmas presents and winter break. I have two more days to go until mine.
    I actually don't think I've ever received a duplicate copy of a book. If I did, I would donate it to my school's library.

    Hope Cinder is good!

    -Jenna @ Fans of Fiction (new follower)
    My IMM

  5. This has happened to me on a few occasions, I usually give it to someone who would also like to read the book or hand it in to a charity shop =]
    But maybe, now I have a blog, get blog-happy with a giveaway xD

    Also... CINDER! Major jealousy happening over here, just so you know! hehe.

    Happy Reading! =]

    Here's what I got In My Mailbox this week! =]

